Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How Teachers Have Affected My Life

My junior year was one of the hardest in my life, I was being rebellious and childish because I couldn't deal with the problems I was having at home. My mom grounded me a couple days before Christmas and I was so angry that I can't even remember why. I left home to live with my sister. I smoked a lot of weed and did a little coke. When Christmas was over I came back to school not really trying because the only reason I wasn't home schooled last year was because my mom was the one who wanted to watch me walk across the stage. Mrs. Evans called my mom after talking to me about how I wasn't living at home and how I wasn't going to try anymore. My mom really wanted me back home and I would have never moved back if it wouldn't have been for Mrs. Evans. When my mom came to pull me out of school because I had gotten very sick and I had already missed many days of school, I was very sad and I know Mrs. Evans had been too. When I decided that I wanted to graduate and came to get my schedule it was Mrs. Evans who had circled grade 12 and written go to the cafeteria to get your senior pics taken. Mrs. Evans touched my life and made me want to be a teacher along with Mrs. Inman, because they had shown so much interest in me and wanted to help. I am thankful for Mrs. Evans caring about me or I would have been a high school drop-out just like my mother thought I might be.